
What are the objectives for this chapter?
The objectives for this chapter are:

  • Digital hardware components.
  • An overview of the design process.
  • Binary numbers.
  • Digital representation of information.


How are logic circuits implemented electronically?
Logic circuits are implemented electronically using transistors on an integrated circuit (IC) chip.

What is the only way to successfully handle large circuits?
The only way to successfully handle large circuits is using highly-organized design techniques.

Digital Hardware

What are products built with logic circuits classified as?
Products built with logic circuits are classified as digital hardware.

Before the 1970s, what were logic circuits created with?
Before the 1970s, logic circuits were created with bulky components like transistors and resistors that came as individual parts.

By the 1970s, what was possible in producing logic circuits?
By the 1970s, it was possible to implement all circuitry needed to realize a microprocessor on a single chip.

Who is Moore's law named after?
Moore's law is named after Gordon Moore.

What is Moore's law?
Moore's law is an observation that the number of transistors that can be put on a chip doubles every two years.

Approximately how many transistors could be placed on a chip in the early 1990s?
In the early 1990s, a few million transistors could be placed on a chip.

Approximately how many transistors could be placed on a chip in the late 1990s?
In the late 1990s, tens of millions of transistors could be placed on a chip.

How long is Moore's law expected to hold true?
Moore's law is expected to hold true for a number of years.

What does ITRS stand for?
ITRS stands for International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.

What does the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) forecast?
The ITRS forecasts the maximum number of transistors that can be manufactured on a single chip.

What does PCB stand for?
PCB stands for Printed Circuit Board.

What are the three types of chips which may be used to design and build logic circuits from scratch?
The three types of chips which may be used to design and build logic circuits from scratch are:

  1. Standard chips.
  2. Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs).
  3. Custom-designed chips.

Standard Chips

What are standard chips?
Standard chips are chips which have a small amount of circuitry and perform a simple logical function.

How do you use standard chips to build a logic circuit?
You use standard chips to build a logic circuit by choosing the chips that perform the functions you need and interconnecting them.

What are the two downsides of using standard chips?
The two downsides of using standard chips are that:

  1. They're space inefficient.
  2. Their functionality can't be changed.

Programmable Logic Devices

What are Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)?
Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) are chips which have circuitry that can be configured by the user to implement a wide range of logic circuits.

What is the most commonly-used type of Programmable Logic Device (PLD)?
The most commonly-used type of PLD is the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).

Custom-Designed Chips

What are the two downsides of Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs)?
The two downsides of PLDs are:

  1. They consume valuable chip area.
  2. The speed of operation of implemented circuits is limited.

What are custom-designed chips?
Custom-designed chips are chips which are designed first and then manufactured by a chip fabrication company.

What are custom-designed chips often called?
Custom-designed chips are often called Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs).


What is the downside of custom-designed chips?
The downside of custom-designed chips is that manufacturing them can take a lot of time.


The Design Process

What does the design process begin with?
The design process begins with the definition of product specifications.



This section explains the design process for digital circuits in detail. The flowchart below is a summary of the process.


What is the design process flowchart?
The design process flowchart is:

Required product
Define specifications
Initial design
Design correct?
Prototype implementation
Meets specifications?
Finished product
Make corrections
Minor errors?

Structure of a Computer


Of the different parts of a typical computer, which part is the book primarily concerned with?
of the different parts of a typical computer, the book is primarily concerned with the logic circuits within the IC chips.


This section explains why CAD tools are used in the book, and how students can get access to CAD tools to implement the examples in the book.


Digital Representation of Information

How is information represented in logic circuits?
Information in logic circuits is represented as electronic signals.

How much information does each electronic signal represent?
Each electronic signal represents one digit of information.

What are the two possible values a digit of information is allowed to be?
The two possible values a digit of information can be are 0 and 1.

How are the values of a digit of information implemented in a logic circuit?
The values of a digit of information are implemented in a logic circuit as voltage levels.

What is the voltage level for the value 0?
The voltage level for the value 0 is 0 V (ground).

What is the voltage level for the value 1?
The voltage level for the value 1 is the voltage level of the power supply.

What is the range of the typical voltage of a power supply in logic circuits?
The range of the typical voltage of a power supply in logic circuits is from 1 V DC to 5 V DC.

Binary Numbers
