Dr. Shun Yan Cheung's (張 遜 仁) Home Page
University of Alaska Fairbanks Computer Science Department
- You can change the year in the URL to see the course materials for that particular year. All of their class materials are publicly available.
2009 CS 301 - Assembly Language by Dr. O Lawlor
Geology 101 Lecture Sections 1 and 2 by Kurtis Merle Wilkie
Geology and Oceanography Textbooks by MiraCosta College
HSK Standard Course (Access PDF, Textbook, Workbook)
15-349 Introduction to Processor Design School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Summer 2015
15-213/15-513/14-513 Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS)
CSCE/RAIK 284H Foundations of Computer Systems Spring 2010 by Dr. Steve Goddard
Courses by Dr. Steve Goddard
CSCI 224 / ECE 317 - Computer Architecture Spring 2015 by Jason Fritts
Prior Courses by Jason Fritts
Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective, 3/E (CS:APP3e) by Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron
Raj Jain - Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
- Professor Jain from Washington University in St. Louis has a ton of material listed on his page, from lectures and course material to reports and research.
The Wesley Center Online
An Austin Start-up's (Expensive) Plan to Transform the Wireless Business by Michael Agresta
Boise State Unveils New Semiconductor Machine, First of Its Kind for a U.S. University by Jude Binkley
CAN Bus Explained by CSS Electronics
eSIM Whitepaper by GSMA
Plastic-Eating Fungi Could Be A Glimmer Of Hope In Cutting Ocean Pollution by Swantje Stein and Oliver Ellrodt
QCI (QoS Class Identifiers) and Priority Levels Explained by Stetson Doggett
SGP.22 Technical Specification v2.2.2 by GSMA
What are eSIMs and when to use them for IoT in 2023 by Michael Bosson
What Is A C.L.U.E. Report for Insurance? by Les Masterson
What is GaN by Efficient Power Conversion
bad USBs are SCARY!! (build one with a Raspberry Pi Pico for $8) by NetworkChuck
Does Anyone Else Feel Like Everything Has Changed? by Stephen Antonioni
Here is Everything We Don't Know (Extended) by Aperture
How do Graphics Cards Work? Exploring GPU Architecture by Branch Education
How Do QR Codes Work? (I Built One Myself To Find Out) by Veritasium
Intel has a Pretty Big Problem by Level1Techs
See the minimum needed for a USB device to list in Device Manager by TM
The scariest thing you learn in Electrical Engineering | The Smith Chart by Zach Star
The Snowflake Cloud Data Leak by Mental Outlaw
The Truth About SIM Card Cloning by Janus Cycle
Watch electricity hit a fork in the road at half a billion frames per second by Alpha Phoenix
Where People Go When They Want to Hack You by CyberNews
Why Even Learn Things Anymore by Joe Scott
Why the Nothing CMF Phone 1 is a Game Changer by Mrwhosetheboss
The moment we stopped understanding AI [AlexNet] by Welch Labs
How is this Website so fast!? by Wes Bos