A first program

Where does a C program start?
A C program starts in main().


What statement reads an integer from the user and stores it in a variable named num?
The statement that reads an integer from the user and stores it in a variable named num is scanf("%d", &num);.


What is the 3-step recommended process for fixing errors?
The 3-step recommended process for fixing errors is:

  1. Focus on the first error message.
  2. Look at the reported line. If an error is found, fix it. Otherwise, examine previous lines.
  3. Compile the program and repeat the process if necessary.


What happens when you put the name of a #define macro twice without a space?
When you put the name of a #define macro twice without a space, it causes a compiler error if a macro with that name isn't found.

What happens when you put a semicolon at the end of a #define macro?
When you put a semicolon at the end of a #define macro, it causes the replacement value of the macro to include a semicolon.
