eSIM Handbook by Achelos

What did the increasing use of Machine to Machine (M2M) applications drive the need for?
The increasing use of Machine to Machine (M2M) applications drove the need for embedded and inaccessible SIM cards within the device.

What does the term eSIM refer to as defined by GSMA?
As defined by GSMA, the term eSIM refers to:

"The explicit functionality of the operating system to store multiple MNO profiles and perform remote provisioning and management of the profiles after they're issued."

What are the two things GSMA selected to ensure that eSIM technology would not compromise mobile network security standards?
The two things GSMA selected to ensure that eSIM technology would not compromise mobile network security standards are:

  1. Global Platform (GP) card management standards.
  2. State-of-the-art algorithms (ECC, AES).

Is every non-removable SIM an eSIM?
No, not every non-removable SIM is an eSIM.

What does and doesn't define eSIM?
Functionality defines eSIM. Form factor doesn't define eSIM.

What is the key to access a cellular network regardless of SIM type?
Regardless of SIM type, the MNO / operator profile is the key to access a cellular network.

What has been the core functionality of the operator profile since the inception of the first digital mobile standard?
Since the inception of the first digital mobile standard, the core functionality of the operator profile has been the storage of subscriber credentials and the implementation of algorithms used for network access authentication.

What are the three components an operator profile must contain at least?
The three components an operator profile must contain at least are:

  1. A Mobile Network Operator Security Domain (MNO-SD).
  2. A Network Access Application (NAA).
  3. A file system.

What does the Mobile Network Operator Security Domain (MNO-SD) do?
The Mobile Network Operator Security Domain (MNO-SD) manages the applications in the operator profile on behalf of the profile issuer (the MNO).

What is the Mobile Network Operator Security Domain (MNO-SD) equivalent to on regular SIMs?
The Mobile Network Operator Security Domain (MNO-SD) is equivalent to the Issuer Security Domain (ISD) on regular SIMs.

What does the Network Access Application (NAA) do?
The Network Access Application (NAA) is an application such as SIM, USIM, and ISIM which is selected by the device in order to access the related mobile network.

What does the file system of an operator profile contain?
The File System of an operator profile contains:

  1. Data files (Elementary Files or EF) that store subscriber network information.
  2. Directory files (Dedicated Files or DF / ADF / MF) that allow functional grouping of files.

What can further be a part of an operator profile depending on the requirements of the operator?
Depending on the requirements of the operator, an operator profile can further have more applications and Supplemental Security Domains (SSDs).

What is central to the security architecture of eSIM?
The Security Domain (SD) is central to the security architecture of eSIM.

What is a Security Domain (SD)?
A Security Domain (SD) is a special application which has:

  • Key material.
  • Algorithms for cryptographic operations.
  • Specific privileges managing the card's applications.

What are the two things a Security Domain (SD) provides?
The two things a Security Domain (SD) provides are:

  1. A trusted security level for the authentication of system entities.
  2. The protection of the integrity and confidentiality of the communication.

What are the three Security Domains (SDs) defined for eSIM?
The three Security Domains (SDs) defined for eSIM are:

  1. Issuer Security Domain Root (ISD-R).
  2. Issuer Security Domain Profile (ISD-P).
  3. eUICC Controlling Authority Security Domain (ECASD).

What does the Issuer Security Domain Root (ISD-R) do?
The Issuer Security Domain Root (ISD-R) performs eSIM management functions on ISD-Ps.

What does the Issuer Security Domain Profile (ISD-P) do?
The Issuer Security Domain Profile (ISD-P) hosts a unique profile.

What does the eUICC Controlling Authority Security Domain (ECASD) do? (1)
The eUICC Controlling Authority Security Domain (ECASD) provides services to the ISD-Rs and ISD-Ps in order to perform confidential key establishments.

What are the two types of Security Domains which are installed and personalized by the eUICC Manufacturer (EUM)?
The two types of Security Domains which are installed and personalized by the eUICC Manufacturer (EUM) are:

  1. The ISD-R.
  2. The ECASD.
