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source: https://spanish.stackexchange.com/questions/32243/redundant-indirect-object-pronoun-is-le-redundant-in-pregunt%C3%A9mosle-al-est%C3%BApi
created: 2025-01-04
published: 2020-01-01
What is the only situation where the redundant "le" isn't mandatory?
The only situation where the redundant "le" isn't mandatory is if a noun acting as the indirect object is placed after the verb.
What are the two situations when the redundant "le" is mandatory?
The two situations when the redundant "le" is mandatory are:
Al estúpido le hemos preguntado cinco veces.
Le molestó a ese estúpido que le preguntáramos tantas veces.
When is the redundant "le" included in speech?
The redundant "le" is included in speech almost always.
What two combinations of unstressed and stressed pronouns are allowed in a sentence?
The two combinations of unstressed and stressed pronouns which are allowed in a sentence include:
Le he preguntado qué piensa.
Le he preguntado a él que piensa.
Can you use stressed pronouns by themselves in a sentence?
No, you can't use stressed pronouns by themselves in a sentence.
He preguntado a él qué piensa.
What are some exceptions to the rule about stressed pronouns not being allowed by themselves?
The exceptions to the rule about stressed pronouns not being allowed by themselves include:
- Verbs indicating direction.
- The verb "parecer."
- Sentences in which the verb is ditransitive and the direct object is in the first or second person.
Se le acercó a él.
Se le parece a ella.
Te le venderán a él.
Te Me recomendaron a ti.
Me le presentaron a él.