How to build a Synchronous counter?


Utilizing the T input appropriately


How about a 4-bit Counter (synchronous)

Let's build a Synchronous Counter

Example of a 4-bit synchronous counter made with T-FlipFlops

Synchronous Counter Made From 4 T-FlipFlops.png

Example of a timing diagram for a 4-bit synchronous counter made with T-FlipFlips

4-Bit Synchronous Counter Made From T-FlipFlops.png

Let's rewind a little bit, back to DFlipFlop


Two additional input signals

What is the circuit diagram for a D-FlipFlop with a preset and a clear signal?
The circuit diagram for a D-FlipFlop with a preset and a clear signal is:
D-FlipFlop With A Preset And Clear Signal.png

D flipflop with Clear and Preset

What is the symbol for a D-FlipFlop with a preset and clear signal?
The symbol for a D-FlipFlop with a preset and clear signal is:
D-FlipFlop With A Clear And Reset Signal.png

Reset Mechanism

When does an asynchronous reset take effect?
An asynchronous reset takes effect immediately.

When does a synchronous reset take effect?
A synchronous reset takes effect at the next clock edge.

What does a synchronous and asynchronous reset look like on a D-FlipFlop with a preset and clear signal?
A synchronous and asynchronous reset on a D-FlipFlop with a preset and clear signal looks like this:
D-FlipFlop With An Asynchronous And Synchronous Reset Signals.png

Sync. Counter with Enable (Pause/Play) and Clear: Stop Watch Mechanism

Example of a circuit diagram for a 4-bit synchronous counter with an enable and clear signal

4-Bit Synchronous Counter With An Enable And Clear Signal.png

What happens when the enable signal for a synchronous counter made using T-FlipFlops is 0?
When the enable signal for a synchronous counter made using T-FlipFlops is 0, all of the T inputs are forced to be zero.

What happens when the clear signal for a synchronous counter made using T-FlipFlop is 1?
When the clear signal for a synchronous counter made using T-FlipFlops is 1, all of the T inputs are set to 0 on the next clock edge.
