Operation of a SAP-01 (Fetch and Decode)


What are the steps in the operation of a Simple As Possible (SAP)-01 processor?
The steps in the operation of a Simple As Possible (SAP)-01 processor is:

  1. A program counter (instruction pointer) holds the address of the instructions in memory.
  2. The address is sent to the Memory Address Register to access the instruction.
  3. The instruction is sent to the Instruction Register / Decoder to decipher it.
  4. The specific action to be taken by the Control Unit corresponding to this instruction is forwarded to the Control Unit.
  5. The Control Unit orchestrates whatever the instruction wants to be done.

Program Counter (PC)

What does PC stand for?
PC stands for Program Counter.

What is a Program Counter (PC)?
A PC is a multi-purpose counter with a load and reset signal.