Course Values and Your Rights

What are the standard evaluation criteria?
The standard evaluation criteria are:

  • Audience and purpose - Does the assignment meet the target audience's needs and fulfill its purpose?
  • Design - Do design elements (visuals, typography, layout) help the target audience accomplish their goals?
  • Content - Is the information well-researched, accurate, relevant, and organized in a way that supports claims and helps the target audience notice, understand, and act on it?
  • Style and language conventions - Is the assignment's tone, point of view, level of formality, use of figures of speech, voice, and emphasis appropriate to the genre and rhetorical situation? Is the assignment free of typos or errors in grammar, wording, spelling, or punctuation.

What can you do if you aren't earning the final grade you want?
If you aren't earning the final grade you want, you can ask for permission to revise a graded assignment for additional points.
